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Beta Test Group 1
Welcome to the group discussion board. To submit your assignment or join the discussion, reply to the post associated with the assignment. Scrool to the bottom of the page to find your assignment discussion
Module 2 Assignment
Create an instructional product ( Infographic, PowerPoint, video, website that details the history of the development of the 10-20 system
Write a 1 page paper describing the anatomy of the head and the major anatomical planes. Why is it important to understand the location and function of each brain lobe? What are the electrode placement site and their corresponding initials? Use the provided assignment rubric for how this assignment will be evaluated.
Reply to the post with your assignment submission
Module 1 Assignment
Select ONE of the following options:
Complete your own scholarly research on the history of EEG and create an informational product that highlights the history of EEG. Be sure to include a historical timeline of the events and their impact on modern EEG techniques. Your product can be a webpage, infographic, presentation, blog, video, or pamphlet. Include captioning within your presentation or video. If you select the webpage or blog option, include at least one additional resource element in the form of a video, image, or diagram.
Create a concept map or diagram of the commonly used terminology in the field of EEG. You can use terms from the pre-lesson assignment. Connect the terms to the major contributors within the field. Include a brief summary detailing the research and information on the map.
Answer the following questions and post your response on the discussion board.